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Forensic Laboratory



M.J. Schulz & Associates, Inc. has provided professional consultations on a broad spectrum of fire and explosion incidents and fire and and safety engineering issues.  These investigations and analyses have been facilitated by both the inspection of the actual incident scenes or environment, as well as the evaluation and testing of artifacts and physical evidence from such scenes or environment.  Other investigations and analyses have been conducted by the careful review and evaluation of documentary evidence of the fire or explosion itself, the effects of the fire or explosion incident, the remaining evidence of the fire or explosion incident and the subsequent and previous investigations and analyses conducted by others. He has qualified as an expert witness in federal courts, state courts, municipal courts and at administrative law hearings.

Forensic Laboratory Services

M.J. Schulz & Associates, Inc. has considerable experience in the testing and analysis of materials, products, assemblies, appliances and equipment, as well as the performance of fire and explosion investigation and analysis related demonstrations and experiments.  Such testing and analyses are conducted utilizing the most modern and up-to-date equipment and techniques.

M.J. Schulz & Associates, Inc. personnel are recognized instructors and lecturers in the field of fire and explosion investigation analysis both in the United States and Canada.  These instructional activities have helped to increase the knowledge and improve the analytical skills of law enforcement personnel, fire service personnel, attorneys, insurance personnel and others.




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Copyright © 2006 M.J. Schulz & Associates, Inc.
Last modified: 01/09/06