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The personnel of M.J. Schulz & Associates, Inc. are currently scheduled to lecture at the following educational events.....

  • National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Program, Eastern Kentucky University, the National Fire Protection Association and the National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August 2008.
  • National Fire, Arson & Explosion Investigation Training Program, Investigations Institute, the National Fire Protection Association and the National Association of Fire Investigators, Denver, Colorado, March 2008.
  • Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Fire Facts, the National Fire Protection Association and the National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2007.
  • Vehicle Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Investigations Institute, the National Fire Protection Association and the National Association of Fire Investigators, Lexington, Kentucky, September, 2007.
  • National Fire, Arson & Explosion Investigation Training Program, Investigations Institute, the National Fire Protection Association and the National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August 2007.
  • National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Program, Eastern Kentucky University, the National Fire Protection Association and the National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, March 2007.
  • Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Fire Facts, the National Fire Protection Association and the National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, November 2006.
  • Compartment Fire Dynamics and Advanced Fire Pattern Analysis, Marengo Fire Department, Marengo, Illinois, September 2006.
  • National Seminar on Fire Analysis Litigation, Investigations Institute, the National Fire Protection Association and the National Association of Fire Investigators, August 2006.
  • National Fire, Arson & Explosion Investigation Training Program, Investigations Institute, the National Fire Protection Association and the National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August 2006.
  • International Symposium on Fire Investigation Science and Technology, the National Fire Protection Association, the National Association of Fire Investigators, the University of Cincinnati and the British Fire Service College, June 2006.
  • Motor Vehicle Fire Investigation, Elgin Fire Department, Elgin, Illinois, May 2006.
  • National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Program, Eastern Kentucky University, the National Fire Protection Association and the National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, March 2006.



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Last modified: 01/09/06