Try these informative hyperlinks to a variety of databases of product recalls, safety advisories and technical information.....
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is an independent federal regulatory agency that was created in 1972 by Congress in the Consumer Product Safety Act. In that law, Congress directed the Commission to "protect the public against unreasonable risk or injuries and deaths associated with consumer products." The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission maintains database that contains a current list of recalls for non-compliance and safety defects, as well as safety advisories for consumer products. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission also administers the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) which is a national probability sample of hospitals in the United States and its territories. Patient information is collected from each NEISS hospital for every emergency room visit involving an injury associated with consumer products. From this sample, the total number of product related injuries treated in hospital emergency rooms nationwide can be estimated. CPSC National Electronic Injury Surveillance System Portal
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), under the U.S. Department of Transportation, was established by the Highway Safety Act of 1970, as the successor to the National Highway Safety Bureau, to carry out safety programs under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 and the Highway Safety Act of 1966. The Administration is charged with reducing deaths, injuries and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration maintains databases that contain a current list of recalls for non-compliance and safety defects, manufacturer's technical service bulletins, defect investigations, consumer complaints and compliance testing. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Database Portal
U.S. Coast Guard - Founded in the 1970's as part of the Department of the Treasury, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) is now part of the Department of Homeland Security, protecting U.S. interests at home and around the world. The U.S. Coast Guard maintains a database that contains a current list of recalls for non-compliance and safety defects in recreational boats and associated equipment. This same database also contains a list of active and former manufacturers and their associated Manufacturer's Identification Codes since 1972 U.S. Coast Guard Database Portal
Underwriters Laboratories - Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) is an independent, not-for-profit product safety testing and certification organization. Underwriters Laboratories has tested products for public safety for more than a century. Each year, more than 17 billion UL Marks are applied to products worldwide. Underwriters Laboratories maintains databases of manufacturers, their products and their approved UL certification listings. Underwriters Laboratories Certification Directory Database Portal
U.S. Fire Administration - The U.S. Fire Administration's (USFA) National Fire Data Center administers the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) which is s a national system for collecting, analyzing and disseminating information of fire and other emergency incidents to the fire community. U.S. Fire Administration's NFIRS Database Portal
Health Canada - Health Canada (HC), in partnership with provincial and territorial governments, is Canada's federal department responsible for helping the people of Canada maintain and improve their health. Health Canada maintains a database that contains a list of recalls for non-compliance and safety defects in certain consumer products which it regulates.
Transport Canada - Transport Canada's (TC) mission is to develop and administer policies, regulations and services for the best possible transportation for Canada. Its role is to develop up-to-date, relevant transportation policies and legislation and to maintain the highest level of safety and security possible. Transport Canada maintains a database that contains a current list of recalls for non-compliance and safety defects, as well as safety advisories for motor vehicles and associated equipment. Transport Canada Database Portal
Canadian Standards Association - The Canadian Standards Association is a leading provider of product testing and certification that tests products for compliance to national and international standards and issues certification marks for qualified products. The Canadian Standards Association's Corporate Audits and Investigations team is an integral part of the Association's Legal Department and maintains a database of product recalls and safety notices in cooperation with manufacturers. Canadian Standards Association Database Portal
Canadian Standards Association also maintains databases of manufacturers, their products and their approved CSA certification listings. Canadian Standards Association Certification Database Portal |
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