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Consulting Forensic Laboratory Instruction


M.J. Schulz & Associates, Inc. has conducted more than two thousand fire and explosion investigations and analyses and evaluated hundreds of fire and safety engineering issues.

These investigations, analyses and evaluations  have focused on a wide range of topical issues including, but not limited to, the evaluation of the origin (epicenter) of the incident; the evaluation of the first fuel ignited in the incident; the evaluation of the nature of the incident; the evaluation of the competent source of ignition for the incident; the evaluation of the ignition factor (cause) of the incident; the evaluation of the responsibility for the occurrence of the incident; the evaluation of the development and progression of the incident; the evaluation of the design and construction of buildings with respect to fire and life safety; the evaluation of the design and construction of products with respect to fire and life safety; the adequacy of product hazard analyses with respect to fire and life safety; the adequacy of labels, warnings and instructions with respect to fire and life safety; the evaluation of the responsibility for property damage sustained during the incident; and the evaluation of the responsibility for personal injuries sustained during the incident.

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Copyright © 2006 M.J. Schulz & Associates, Inc.
Last modified: 01/09/06