Resume of Michael J. Schulz |
Professional Background
Michael J. Schulz is an internationally known fire and explosion incident investigator and analyst. He has conducted more than a thousand fire and explosion incident investigations and analyses through actual scene inspections and by reviewing photographs, diagrams, reports and documents and consulting with clients.
He has been a private consultant for over twenty years and has consulted on and conducted fire and explosion investigations and analyses on incidents that have occurred in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Europe.
He has previously served as a municipal law enforcement officer for over eleven years. In that capacity, he investigated fire and explosion incidents occurring both within his department's own jurisdiction, as well as other jurisdictions under established mutual aid agreements.
He has also served as a Captain with a municipal fire department for over nine years. In that capacity, he commanded the department's Fire Prevention Company and was responsible for the investigation of all fire and explosion incidents occurring within the department's jurisdiction, as well as other jurisdictions under established mutual aid agreements, supervising the department's fire code development efforts, supervising the department's inspection and enforcement activities and implementing and directing the department's public fire safety education programs.
Academic Achievements
Michael J. Schulz holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Fire & Safety Engineering Technology, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of Cincinnati's OMI College of Applied Science.
He also successfully completed the Certificate Program in Fire Science Technology taken at the University of Cincinnati's OMI College of Applied Science and co-sponsored by the United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy.
He has participated in fire science programs of study and educational activities involving many institutions of higher education and post-secondary training including the following:
Eastern Kentucky University University of Southern Mississippi Cape Cod Community College Milwaukee Area Technical College University of Cincinnati University of Wisconsin Texas A & M University Oklahoma State University William Rainey Harper College United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy Federal Bureau of Investigation's FBI National Academy National Bureau of Standards' Center For Fire Research National Institute of Standards and Technology's Building and Fire Research Laboratory
National Fire Academy Graduate
Michael J. Schulz is a graduate of the United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy (NFA) in Emmitsburg, Maryland, where he completed the Fire and Arson Investigation residency program.
Selection, acceptance and an invitation to the National Fire Academy is achieved by an evaluation of qualifications, training and experience and by the successful completion of a comprehensive nomination and application process. His nomination was submitted and endorsed by both the municipal police department and municipal fire department in the jurisdiction in which he served following his graduation. He was one of a limited number of municipal law enforcement officers from his state to have been selected and invited to attend.
Having completed the requisite Train-the-Trainer coursework, he has served as a field instructor for the National Fire Academy's Field Program entitled, "Fire/Arson Detection". In that capacity, he has trained hundreds of law enforcement and fire service personnel.
College Instructor
Michael J. Schulz has been previously certified by the State of Illinois to instruct fire, arson and explosion investigation based upon a qualification screening of his professional education, training and experience.
He has also been a call staff instructor for both the Fire Science Technology and Police Science Technology Departments of the Milwaukee Area Technical College.
During his tenure there, he authored; developed and implemented the curriculum for the college's course entitled "Arson Investigation." The course has been endorsed by the State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice, Training and Standards Board since its implementation.
He was an adjunct instructor for the Fire Science Technology Department of the William Rainey Harper College. He is the instructor for the course entitled "Principals of Fire Prevention IV" which focuses on the investigation and analysis of fire and explosions.
He was a member of the William Rainey Harper College's Fire Science Department Advisory Committee having been appointed by the college's President and Board of Trustees.
He is also a regular lecturer at Eastern Kentucky University's Fire Safety and Engineering Technology program. His lectures there focus on fire and explosion investigation and analysis. Eastern Kentucky University was the first university in the United States to offer a four-year Baccalaureate degree in fire investigation.
He has also been a lecturer at the Cape Cod Community College's Fire Science program. His lectures there also focused on fire and explosion investigation and analysis.
He has also been a lecturer at the University of Southern Mississippi. His lectures there also focused on fire and explosion investigation and analysis.
He has also served as an instructor for Texas A & M University. He served as the Chief Instructor for the Texas Fire and Explosion Investigation Symposium.
He has also been a lecturer at local, regional and national training seminars and symposiums many of which have been co-sponsored by both two year and four year colleges.
Consultant to the United States Fire Administration
Michael J. Schulz has served as a consultant to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's, United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy.
He was contracted to serve as a training course Content Expert directing and overseeing the revision of current federal fire investigation training programs administered by the United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy, as well as the development of a new federal fire investigation training program as part of the mandates by the United States Congress under the Arson Prevention Act of 1994. In that capacity, he was selected to serve as a chairman of one of the two working task groups.
He was also selected as one of only sixty delegates from across the nation to the United States Fire Administration and National Fire Academy's National Symposium for Arson Prevention and Control, held in Emmitsburg, Maryland in July 1995. The symposium serves to advise the United States Fire Administration and its National Fire Academy on the goals and objectives of their respective arson prevention and control programs.
Consultant to Major News Organizations
Michael J. Schulz regularly serves as a consultant with major news organizations in the United States including ABC News, NBC News, CBS News and King World Productions. In that capacity, he has assisted in the research and development of a variety of network affiliate and national news segments and programs all of which have focused on timely fire safety issues.
In addition, he is regularly interviewed by local news organizations across the country for his input on story topics involving fire and explosion investigation and analysis. Both his input and live interviews have appeared in newspapers, magazines, radio news programs and television news broadcasts.
Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator
Michael J. Schulz holds national registration as a National Board Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI) from the National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI).
This certification is achieved by an evaluation of qualifications, training and experience and by successful completion of a comprehensive written examination administered by the National Certification Board.
Since his original certification, he was later appointed to serve as a member of the National Certification Board. In that capacity, he is responsible for the certification of fire and explosion investigators from around the world.
Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator
Michael J. Schulz holds national registration as National Board Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI) from the National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI).
This certification is achieved by an evaluation of qualifications, training and experience and by the successful completion of both a specialized training program and comprehensive written examination.
Certified Canadian Fire Investigator
Michael J. Schulz holds international registration as a Certified Canadian Fire Investigator (CCFI) from the National Certification Committee of the Canadian Association of Fire Investigators (CAFI).
This certification is achieved by an evaluation of qualifications, training and experience and by the previous successful completion of a comprehensive written examination approved by the National Certification Committee.
Certified Fire Protection Specialist
Michael J. Schulz also holds national registration as a Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) from the Certified Fire Protection Specialist Board and the National Fire Protection Association. This certification is achieved by an evaluation of qualifications, training and experience and by successful completion of a comprehensive written examination administered by the Certified Fire Protection Specialist Board and the National Fire Protection Association. He continues to meet the Fire Protection Specialist Board's re-certification requirements for continued certification.
Certified Fire Investigation Instructor
Michael J. Schulz also holds national registration as a National Board Certified Fire Investigation Instructor (CFII) from the National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI).
This certification is achieved by an evaluation of qualifications, training and experience, participation in a specialized training program and successful completion of a comprehensive written examination administered by the National Certification Board.
Since his original certification, he was later appointed to serve as a member of the National Certification Board. In that capacity, he is responsible for the certification of fire investigation instructors from around the world.
Certified Fire Service Instructor II
Michael J. Schulz also held registration as a Certified Fire Service Instructor II from the State of Wisconsin's Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education. This certification is consistent with the standards recognized nationally for this certification.
This certification is achieved by completion of specialized instruction and by successful completion of a comprehensive certification program project. The prerequisite for this level II certification is prior successful attainment of level I certification which is achieved by completion of specialized instruction, successful completion of a practical instructional project and successful completion of a comprehensive written examination administered by the Board.
As a Certified Fire Service Instructor II, he was certified to instruct the United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy's Field Program entitled "Fire/Arson Detection." He has presented this program of instruction to hundreds of fire service and law enforcement personnel.
Charter Member of NFPA Technical Committee on Fire Investigations
Michael J. Schulz was a charter member of the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) Technical Committee on Fire Investigations having been appointed to the committee at the time of its formation by the Standards Council. The NFPA Technical Committee on Fire Investigations is responsible for those National Fire Codes that address the investigation and analysis of fire and explosion incidents.
At the time of his original appointment, he was nominated and selected to represent the Fire Service Section of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) whose membership consists of fire service personnel from around the world.
He was subsequently nominated and selected to represent the National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI) whose membership consists of professionals engaged in the investigation and analysis of fire and explosion incidents and the civil and criminal litigation that ensues from such investigations and analyses.
Since his original appointment, he has made significant contributions to both National Fire Code 907M, entitled Manual for the Determination of Electrical Fire Causes, and National Fire Code 921, entitled Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations.
He previously served as Chairman of the NFPA 921 Task Group on Collection and Analysis of Physical Evidence and the NFPA 921 Task Group on Fire Related Human Behavior. He also previously served on the Task Group on Origin Determination.
Member of IFSTA Fire Origin and Cause Material Review Committee
Michael J. Schulz has served as a member of the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) Fire Origin and Cause Material Review Committee. The validation committee is responsible for the continuing review and revision of the Association's publication entitled, Fire Origin and Cause.
Member of IFSTA Fire Investigator Material Review Committee
Michael J. Schulz has served as a member of the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) Fire Investigator Material Review Committee. The validation committee is responsible for the continuing review and revision of the Association's publication entitled, Fire Investigator.
Mathematical Computer Fire Modeling
Miichael J. Schulz's professional capabilities include the use of current accepted and recognized mathematical computer fire models developed or fostered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and other research entities. These capabilities facilitate the analysis and production of detailed mathematical computer models of fire behavior. He received his initial training and education in this highly specialized area of fire and explosion investigation and analysis directly from the developers of these mathematical computer models at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
These mathematical computer fire models can be employed to evaluate room fire temperatures, flashover, smoke and hot gas layers in rooms, some temperatures in atriums, buoyant pressure of hot smoke, ceiling plume temperatures, ceiling plume jet temperatures, egress time, fire/wind/stack forces on doors, later flame spread, fire severity, mass (smoke) flow through a vent, volume flow of smoke through a vent, radiant ignition of fuels, fire sprinkler response, heat detector response, smoke detector response, upper level temperature (flashover) of a room and maximum burning rate.
He has effectively utilized mathematical computer fire modeling as an engineering tool in the presentation of his expert testimony both at deposition and in trial.
He regularly instructs others on the theory and application of mathematical computer fire modeling on behalf of the National Association of Fire Investigators, the National Fire Protection Association and others both in the United States and Canada.
Most notably, he was invited to lecture at the National Institute of Standards and Technology's FPETool and Hazard I User's Conference. He addressed the conference on the needs of the mathematical computer fire modeling community.
He is well versed in the theory and application of the field's most current and state-of-the art mathematical computer fire models.
Participant in the Codes and Standards Making Process
Michael J. Schulz was a charter member of the National Fire Protection Association's Technical Committee on Fire Investigations. This committee has the responsibility for the development of the National Fire Codes that focus on fire and explosion investigation and analysis. As such, he is a co-author of the National Fire Protection Association's National Fire Code NFPA 907M, entitled Manual for the Determination of Electrical Fire Causes, and National Fire Code NFPA 921, entitled Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations. He is also a co-author of standards approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as that organization has approved both NFPA 907M and NFPA 921 as ANSI standards.
Michael J. Schulz has also addressed the general membership of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) at annual meetings, fall meetings, membership section meetings and technical committee reporting sessions on issues involving the development and adoption of various National Fire Codes including NFPA 907M and NFPA 921.
Codes and Standards Interpretation
Michael J. Schulz has extensive knowledge in the development, interpretation and application of laws, codes, standards, and recommended practices that focus on issues arising from the investigation and analysis of fires and explosions.
During his tenure with the fire service, he was responsible for supervising a municipal fire department's code development, fire inspection and code enforcement activities. He was also assigned to a mayoral task group that developed and implemented a revised municipal fire prevention code. During that assignment, he authored many portions of that new fire prevention code.
His involvement in the codes and standards making process provides him with a unique and specialized insight into the development, interpretation and application of such laws, codes, standards and recommended practices.
His professional training, education and experience include, but is not limited to, the interpretation and application of such codes and standards as the following:
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) International Code Council (ICC) Building Officials And Code Administrators International (BOCA) Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI) International Code And Buildings Officials (ICBO) American Insurance Institute (AIA) American Society For Testing and Materials (ASTM) Underwriter's Laboratories, Incorporated (UL) Canadian Standards Association (CSA) National Institute Of Standards and Technology (NIST) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Department of Transportation (DOT) Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) Airline Transport Association (ATA)
Fire Science and Analysis Research
Michael J. Schulz has been an active participant in research activities focusing on fire science and the analysis of fire and explosion incidents. He has supervised and participated in many laboratory and field research projects that addressed the initiation, development and progression of fire and explosion incidents in structures and other compartments.
He has served in advisory roles for research projects focusing on issues relative to the fire and explosion investigation and analysis community.
Forensic Fire Science Laboratory Experience
Michael J. Schulz has considerable experience in the testing and analysis of materials, products and appliances and in the performance of fire and explosion investigation and analysis related experiments including, but not limited to, the following subject areas:
Flammable liquids and vapors. Combustible liquids and vapors. Aerosols. Solids and dusts. Flammable gases. Fabrics. Textiles. Floor coverings. Plastics. Foams and other types of rubbers. Residential construction materials and interior furnishings. Commercial construction materials and interior furnishings. Concrete and masonry. Metals and alloys. Glass. Household and other appliances. Furnaces and heating equipment. Televisions. Gas utilization equipment and appliances. Disposable lighters. Spray finish application equipment. Motor vehicle construction materials and interior furnishings. Manufactured home construction materials and interior furnishings. Electrical wiring and components. Smoke and heat detection devices.
Professional Licenses
Under the Illinois Revised Statutes, the State of Illinois requires that fire and explosion investigators and analysts be licensed through the Department of Professional Regulation. M.J. Schulz & Associates, Inc. is a licensed Class 1 Private Detective Agency holding license number 117001067.
Michael J. Schulz is also licensed through the State of Illinois, Department of Professional Regulation. He is a Registered Class A Private Detective holding license number 115001562.
He is also registered with the State of Illinois, Department of Professional Regulation. He is a Registered Permanent Employee holding permanent employee registration card number 129117390.
Under recent changes to the Texas Statutes, the State of Texas requires that experts be licensed through the Texas Commission on Private Security. Michael J. Schulz is a licensed Class A Investigation Company holding license number A10054.
Michael J. Schulz is also licensed through the State of Texas, Texas Commission on Private Security. He is a licensed owner/manager holding license number A10054.
Professional Societies and Organizations
Michael J. Schulz is committed to continually augmenting his professional education, training and experience. He is an active and participating member of the following professional societies and organizations:
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Member, Technical Committee on Fire Investigations, (1983-2000)
Fire Service Section of the National Fire Protection Association Section Representative, NFPA Technical Committee on Fire Investigations, (1985-1992) Section Representative, National Conference on Fire Investigation Instruction
Fire Science and Technology Educators Section of the National Fire Protection Association Member, Board of Directors, (1995-1999)
Fire Marshal's Association of North America (FMANA) Associate Member
National Fire Academy Alumni Association (NFAAA) Active Member
American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Active Member
Chicago Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers Active Member Society Of Fire Protection Engineers Associate Member
American Society For Testing and Materials (ASTM) Active Member
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Active Member
Society Of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Member
Chicago Chapter of the Society of Automotive Engineers Member
International Building Code Officials (ICBO) Active Member
National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI) Member, Board of Directors Member, National Certification Board Representative, NFPA Technical Committee on Fire Investigations, (1992 to 2000) International Association Of Arson Investigators (IAAI) Active Member
Illinois Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators Active Member
Canadian Association of Fire Investigators (CAFI) Active Member
International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) Active Member
National Conference on Fire Investigation Instruction Member, Board of Directors
Professional Awards and Honors
Michael J. Schulz was the recipient of the 1982 John Charles Wilson Scholarship Award presented by the International Association of Arson Investigators. The award was one of only two such awards given internationally in 1982.
In 1985, he was the recipient of the Firefighter of the Year Award presented by the Ozaukee County Association of Fire Departments. The award was presented primarily for his achievements in the field of fire and explosion investigation and analysis, as well as his contributions to public fire safety education.
In 1986, he was appointed jointly by the Standards Council and Fire Service Section of the National Fire Protection Association to serve on the National Fire Protection Association's Technical Committee on Fire Investigations.
In 1986, he was commended for his achievements in the field of fire and explosion investigation and analysis through official resolution 86-19 that was adopted and presented by unanimous vote of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Cedarburg.
In 1988, he was the recipient of an Honorable Mention for the Firefighter of the Year Award presented by the Badger Firemen's Association.
In 1988, he was recognized and given an award for his contributions to and implementation of a public fire safety education program by the Cedarburg Fire Department at its annual awards banquet.
In 1989, he was the recipient of one of the first Official Citations presented by the Chief of Police and the Police and Fire Commission of the City of Cedarburg Police Department. In 1991, he was named a Kentucky Colonel by Governor Wallace G. Wilkinson of the State of Kentucky for his contributions to the training of Kentucky law enforcement and fire service personnel in fire and explosion investigation and analysis. In 1991, he was the recipient of the 1991 Man of the Year Award presented by the National Association of Fire Investigators for his achievements and continuing work on the National Fire Protection Association's Technical Committee on Fire Investigations. In 1995, he was selected for inclusion in the Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering. In 1995, he was selected for inclusion in the Marquis Who's Who in the Midwest.
In 1996, he was selected for inclusion in the Marquis Who's Who in America.
In 1996, he was selected for inclusion in the Marquis Who's Who in the World.
In 1997, he was selected for inclusion in the Marquis Who's Who in Finance and Industry.
Professional Knowledge
Michael J. Schulz has extensive knowledge in fire and explosion investigation and analysis and related fields. This extensive knowledge includes, but is not limited to, the following subjects:
Determining the origin of fire and explosion incidents. Determining the ignition factor (cause) of fire and explosion incidents. Determining responsibility and liability for fire and explosion incidents. Subrogation investigation of fire and explosion incidents. Products liability issues arising from fire and explosion incidents. Mathematical computer fire modeling. Chemistry, physics, dynamics and behavior of fires and explosions. Application of recognized methods of fire and explosion investigation and analysis. Evaluating and tracing the development and spread of fire. Searching the fire and explosion incident scene. Collection and analysis of physical evidence. Fire and explosion investigation photography. Fire and explosion investigation diagramming and computer aided drafting. Forensic fire science laboratory testing and analysis. Explosives and explosive devices. Incendiary fire devices. Evaluation of electrical fire causes. Dynamics of natural gas and LPG fires and explosions. Investigation of motor vehicle fires. Investigation of recreational vehicle fires. Investigation of marine vehicle fires. Investigation of railroad transportation fires. Investigation of manufactured home fires. Evaluation of cutting and welding fires and explosions. Evaluation of ignitable liquid fires and explosions. Recognized methods of failure analysis and product hazard analysis. Interpretation and application of codes and standards.
Knowledge of Recognized and Accepted Methods of Determining Origin and Ignition Factor (Cause) of Fire and Explosion Incidents
Michael J. Schulz has a thorough knowledge of the scientific foundation and application of the recognized and accepted methods of determining the origin and ignition factor (cause) of fire and explosion incidents.
Most notably, he is internationally known and recognized for his instruction on the theory, methodology and application of both heat and flame vector and explosion dynamics analysis. This methodology is regarded in the fire and explosion investigation and analysis community as one of the most accurate methods of determining the origin of fire and explosion incidents.
Knowledge of Warnings, Instructions and Labels
Michael J. Schulz has extensive knowledge in the development of and evaluation of warnings and instructions that address issues of fire and life safety, as well as the hazard analysis programs from which effective warnings, instructions and labels evolve. His professional education includes courses that specifically focused on the role of warnings, instructions and labels and the recognized and accepted methodology of conducting fire and life safety hazard analyses of products.
His professional experience includes both the evaluation of and revision of existing warnings, instructions and labels and the development of new ones in accordance with applicable laws, codes, standards, industry standards and standards of good practice.
He has also instructed for both the National Association of Fire Investigators and the National Fire Protection Association on the role of labels and warnings in fire and explosion incidents.
He also previously chaired the National Fire Protection Association's Technical Committee on Fire Investigations' Task Group on Fire-Related Human Behavior which was responsible for the develop of new portions of the National Fire Code which will address the role of warnings, instructions and labels in fire and explosion incidents.
Knowledge of Hazard Analysis Techniques in Evaluating Product Safety
Michael J. Schulz has extensive knowledge in the recognized and accepted techniques and methodologies of evaluating product safety with respect to fire safety and life safety.
His professional education includes courses that specifically focused on both the foundational theories and the practical application of product hazard analyses. He employs the recognized and accepted techniques and methodologies when evaluating consumer and commercial products for fire safety and life safety hazards, as well as proper and effective hazard mitigation strategies.
His professional experience includes the performance of fire safety and life safety product hazard analyses on a wide spectrum of both consumer and commercial products.
He has also instructed for both the National Association of Fire Investigators and the National Fire Protection Association on the role of product hazard analyses as an integral part of investigating and analyzing fire and explosion incidents involving consumer or commercial products.
Knowledge of Motor Vehicle Collision Investigation and Analysis
Michael J. Schulz has a thorough knowledge of motor vehicle collision investigation and analysis, as well as a familiarity with accident reconstruction. His professional education qualified him as an instructor for the State of Wisconsin's Law Enforcement Standards Board on motor vehicle collision investigation and reporting and in that capacity was responsible for training other law enforcement officers.
He has also completed Northwestern University's Traffic Institute course on traffic accident investigation. He regularly interfaces with accident reconstructionists during his own investigations and analyses of post-collision motor vehicle fire incidents.
Fire Science and Codes and Standards Reference Library
Michael J. Schulz maintains a comprehensive reference library. The reference library contains hundreds of volumes covering all aspects of fire and explosion investigation and analysis and the issues that arise from related criminal and civil litigation. The reference library is continually updated to maintain a current collection of relevant reference materials. Most notably, the library features one of the most extensive collections of texts and treatises focusing on the field of fire and explosion investigation and analysis.
Papers and Publications
Michael J. Schulz was a charter member of the National Fire Protection Association's Technical Committee on Fire Investigations and, as such, was a co-author of his profession's most authoritative documents. These documents, which are part of the National Fire protection Association's National Fire Codes, include the following:
National Fire Protection Association's NFPA 907M, entitled Manual for the Determination of Electrical Fire Causes. National Fire Protection Association's NFPA 921, 1992 Edition, entitled Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations. National Fire Protection Association's NFPA 921, 1995 Edition, entitled Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations. National Fire Protection Association's NFPA 921, 1998 Edition, entitled Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations.
He has also been a regular contributor to numerous publications that focus on the field of fire and explosion investigation and analysis. These publications include the following:
The Dispatcher, a monthly publication for the Wisconsin fire service. The National Fire Investigator, the Journal of the National Association of Fire Investigators.
Professional Education and Training
Michael J. Schulz has an extensive academic foundation in the field of fire and explosion investigation and analysis and related education and training. This professional education and training includes the following:
Wisconsin Certified Law Enforcement Officer Training, State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice, Training and Standards Board, March, 1979.
Crash Injury Management Technician, Waukesha Area Technical College, Waukesha, Wisconsin, March, 1979.
Death Investigation, State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation, Green Lake, Wisconsin, September, 1979.
15th Annual Wisconsin Arson Training Seminar, State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation and the Wisconsin Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators, June, 1980.
Conducting Security Surveys, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Waukesha, Wisconsin, October, 1980.
Retail Security Workshop, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Waukesha, Wisconsin, October, 1980.
Arson Investigation, American Policy Academy, Washington, D.C., January, 1981.
Basic Course On Handling Hazardous Materials Emergency Incidents, State of Wisconsin, Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education, Madison, Wisconsin, February, 1981.
Automobile Fire Investigation, Badger Firemen's Association, West Bend, Wisconsin, March, 1981.
Basic Fire Fighting, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, December, 1981.
Emergency Medical Technician Certification, Emergency Medical Technician Training Consortium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February, 1982.
Advanced Fire Fighting, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March, 1982.
Fire/Arson Detection, United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy Field Program, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, May, 1982.
17th Annual Wisconsin Arson Training Seminar, State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation and the Wisconsin Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators, June, 1982.
Fire Ground Commander, National Fire Protection Association, Cedarburg, Wisconsin, October, 1982.
Fire and Arson Investigation, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Mequon, Wisconsin, April, 1983.
18th Annual Wisconsin Arson Training Seminar, State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation and the Wisconsin Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators, June, 1983.
Arson Investigation, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, February, 1984.
35th Annual I.A.A.I. Training Conference, International Association of Arson Investigators, Clearwater Beach, Florida, April, 1984. Arson Investigation, Hillsborough Community College, Tampa Bay, Florida, April, 1984.
Fire/Arson Detection, Wisconsin Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education, Madison, Wisconsin, May, 1984.
19th Annual Wisconsin Arson Training Seminar, State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation and the Wisconsin Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators, June, 1985.
Fire Investigation, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Mequon, Wisconsin, September, 1984.
Effective Use of Photography As Legal Evidence, University of Wisconsin, Department of Engineering and Applied Science, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May, 1985.
20th Annual Wisconsin Arson Training Seminar, State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation and the Wisconsin Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators, June, 1985.
Determining the Cause and Origin of Fires and Explosions, National Association of Fire Investigators, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1985.
Certified Fire Inspector Training, State of Wisconsin, Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations, Grafton, Wisconsin, March, 1986.
Fire and Arson Investigation, United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy, Emmitsburg, Maryland, June, 1986.
21st Annual Wisconsin Arson Training Seminar, State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation and the Wisconsin Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators, June, 1986.
Determining the Cause and Origin of Fires and Explosions, National Association of Fire Investigators, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1986. 22nd Annual Wisconsin Arson Training Seminar, State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation and the Wisconsin Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators, June, 1987.
Determining the Cause and Origin of Fires and Explosions, National Association of Fire Investigators, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1987.
Determining the Cause and Origin of Fires and Explosions, National Association of Fire Investigators, Chicago, Illinois, September, 1988. Arson-For-Profit Investigative Techniques Seminar, United States Department of The Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, January, 1989.
Incendiary Fire Analysis and Investigation, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, March, 1989.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program National Association of Fire Investigators, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1989.
National Conference on Fire Investigation Instruction, New Orleans, Louisiana, January, 1990.
Fire Investigation Course for Professional Development, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1990.
Fire Investigation Training Seminar, University of Southern Mississippi, Gulfport, Mississippi, June, 1990.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1990.
Fire Litigation and Explosion Investigation Training Seminar, HMR Fire Technology Institute, Fairview Heights, Illinois, September, 1990.
1st Annual Fire and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Sacramento County Fire Investigation Unit, Sacramento, California, November, 1990.
Fire Department Instructors Conference, International Association of Fire Service Instructors, Cincinnati, Ohio, March, 1991.
Fire Investigation Course for Professional Development, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, April, 1991.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1991.
Flammable Gases Seminar, National Fire Protection Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, November, 1991.
Fire Case Studies Symposium: Office High-Rise Firesafety, National Fire Protection Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, November, 1991.
Fire Codes and Standards Forum, Fire Marshal's Association of North America, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, November, 1991.
Fire Science and Technology Educators Section Program, National Fire Protection Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, November, 1991.
Advanced Fire Scene Analysis, National Fire Protection Association, St. Louis, Missouri, February, 1992.
Fire Investigation Course for Professional Development, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1992.
Fire Department Instructors Conference, International Society of Fire Service Instructors, Cincinnati, Ohio, April, 1992.
Human Behavior Task Group Meeting, National Fire Protection Association, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia, April, 1992.
Mathematical Computer Fire Modeling, Special Tutoring Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, June, 1992.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1992.
Fire Determination Strategies, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, October, 1992.
FPETool and Hazard I User's Conference, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, October, 1992.
Fire Investigation and Analysis, National Fire Protection Association, Fire Science and Technology Educator's Section Program, Dallas, Texas, November, 1992.
Hotel Fire Safety Act, National Fire Protection Association, Lodging Section Program, Dallas, Texas, November, 1992.
Underground Storage Tank Management - Conducting A Hydrological Investigation of Gasoline Tank Leakage, Hazardous Materials and Environmental Management Conference, Rosemont, Illinois, March, 1993.
Fire Investigation Course for Professional Development, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1993.
Hazardous Materials, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, March, 1993.
Fire Dynamics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, March, 1993
Conference on Community College Fire Science and Technology Core Curriculum, National Fire Protection Association, Palatine, Illinois, September, 1993.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1993.
Fire Investigation Course for Professional Development, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1994.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1994.
Rocky Mountain Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Aurora Fire Department, Aurora, Colorado, January, 1995.
The Role of Warnings and Instructions, College of Engineering, Department of Professional Engineering Development, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, March, 1995.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1995.
Washington State Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators' Annual Training Seminar, Tumwater, Washington, September, 1995
Colorado Association of Property and Evidence Technicians' Annual Training Seminar, Vail, Colorado, September, 1995.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 1995.
National Fire Protection Association, Fire Science and Technology Educators' Section Program, Chicago, Illinois, November, 1995.
Communicating With Power and Clarity, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 1995.
Fire Related Human Behavior, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, December, 1995.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1996.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1996.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1997.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Schaumburg, Illinois, July, 1997.
Texas Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Symposium, Missouri City Fire Department, Texas A & M University, Missouri City, Texas, September, 1997.
The Role of Hazard Analysis Techniques in Evaluating Product Safety, College of Engineering, Department of Professional Engineering Development, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, April, 1998.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Schaumburg, Illinois, July, 1998.
Texas Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Symposium, Missouri City Fire Department, Texas A & M University, Missouri City, Texas, August, 1998.
Investigation of Motor Vehicle Fires, Chicago, Illinois, Lee S. Cole & Associates, Incorporated, November, 1998.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, November, 1998.
National Seminar on Fire Analysis Litigation, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, January, 1999.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Richmond, Kentucky, April, 1999.
Florida Fire & Explosion Investigation Symposium, National Association of Fire Investigators, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, July, 1999.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1999.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, November, 1999.
National Seminar on Fire Analysis Litigation, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, January, 2000.
Traffic Accident Investigation, Northwestern University Traffic Institute, Chicago, Illinois, September, 2000.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, November, 2000.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2001.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2001.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Richmond, Kentucky, April, 2002.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2002.
National Seminar on Fire Analysis Litigation, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, January, 2002.
Vehicle Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Seminar, National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, September, 2002.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2002.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2003.
Vehicle Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Seminar, National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, October, 2003.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2003.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 2004.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2004.
Vehicle Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Seminar, National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, September, 2004.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2004.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 2005.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2005.
Vehicle Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Seminar, National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, September, 2005.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2005.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 2006.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2006.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2006.
Investigating Motor Vehicle Fires, International Association of Arson Investigators and, November 2006.
Digital Photography and the Fire Investigator, International Association of Arson Investigators and, November, 2006.
Ethics and the Fire Investigator, International Association of Arson Investigators and, November, 2006.
Fire Investigator Scene Safety, International Association of Arson Investigators and, November 2006.
Fire Dynamics Calculations, International Association of Arson Investigators and, December, 2006.
Insurance and the Fire Investigation, International Association of Arson Investigators and, January, 2007.
An Analysis of the Station Nightclub Fire, International Association of Arson Investigators and, January, 2007.
The Scientific Method for Fire and Explosion Investigation, International Association of Arson Investigators and, January, 2007.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 2007.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2007.
Vehicle Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Seminar, National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, September, 2007.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2007.
Instructional Positions
Michael J. Schulz is an internationally recognized instructor and lecturer. He has conducted and lectured at courses and training programs focusing on various aspects of the field of fire and explosion investigation and analysis presented to law enforcement personnel, fire service personnel, attorneys, insurance personnel and others throughout the United States and Canada.
Having successfully completed the United States Fire Administration, National Fire Academy's Train-The-Trainer program as a field instructor, he has instructed the National Fire Academy's Field Program entitled "Fire/Arson Detection".
In addition, he serves as an instructor at various colleges across the country as part of those institution's educational activities focusing on fire and explosion investigation and analysis.
He has instructed and lectured at various training programs including the following:
United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy Field Program Fire/Arson Detection as the chief instructor, Cedarburg, Wisconsin, October, 1984.
United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy Field Program Fire/Arson Detection as the chief instructor, Cedarburg, Wisconsin, March, 1985.
Milwaukee Area Technical College's Arson Investigation course as the chief instructor, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, March, 1986.
United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy Field Program Fire/Arson Detection as the chief instructor, Cedarburg, Wisconsin, May, 1986.
International Society of Fire Service Instructors' 5th Annual Midwest Conference on the topic of Fire Investigation Training Resources, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, September, 1986.
Wisconsin Society of Fire Service Instructors' 25th Annual Conference on the topic of Fire Investigation Training Resources, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, February, 1987.
Milwaukee Area Technical College's Arson Investigation course as the sole instructor, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, March, 1987.
United States Fire Administration's National Fire Academy Field Program Fire/Arson Detection as the chief instructor, Cedarburg, Wisconsin, March, 1987.
Milwaukee Area Technical College's Textiles for Interiors course as a guest instructor on the topic of fire safety considerations in interior design, Mequon, Wisconsin, March, 1987.
Milwaukee Area Technical College's Arson Investigation course as the sole instructor, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, March, 1988.
Milwaukee Area Technical College's Arson Investigation course as the sole instructor, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, April, 1988.
Wood County Fire Investigation Task Force Training Seminar on the topic of Incendiary Fire Devices, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, April, 1988.
Marquette County Firemen's Association Annual Training Seminar on the topic of Incendiary Fire Devices, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, April, 1988.
Grand Rapids Fire Department Training Seminar on the topic of Firefighter's Role in Fire Investigation, Grand Rapids, Wisconsin, October, 1988.
Milwaukee Area Technical College's Arson Investigation course as the sole instructor, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, March, 1989.
Milwaukee Area Technical College's Arson Investigation course as the sole instructor, Mequon, Wisconsin, April, 1989.
National Association of Fire Investigators' National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as a primary instructor, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1989.
National Conference on Fire Investigation Instruction as a primary instructor, New Orleans, Louisiana, January, 1990.
Milwaukee Area Technical College's Arson Investigation course as the sole instructor, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, March, 1990.
Eastern Kentucky University's Fire Investigation Course for Professional Development as a primary instructor, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1990.
University of Southern Mississippi's Fire Investigation Training Seminar as a primary instructor, Gulfport, Mississippi, June, 1990.
National Association of Fire Investigators' National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as a primary instructor, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1990.
HMR Fire Technology Institute's Fire Litigation and Explosion Investigation Training Seminar as a primary instructor, Fairview Heights, Illinois, September, 1990.
Sacramento County Fire Investigation Unit's 1st Annual Fire and Explosion Investigation Training Program as a primary instructor, Sacramento, California, November, 1990.
Eastern Kentucky University's Fire Investigation Course for Professional Development as the chief instructor, Richmond, Kentucky, April, 1991.
National Association of Fire Investigators' National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as a primary instructor, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1991.
Milwaukee Area Technical College's Arson Investigation course as the sole instructor, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, February, 1992.
Eastern Kentucky University's Fire Investigation Course for Professional Development as a primary instructor, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1992.
National Association of Fire Investigators' National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as a primary instructor, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1992.
State of Wisconsin's Public Defender's Conference on the topic of Fire Investigation, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, October, 1992.
National Fire Protection Association, Fire Science and Technology Educator's Section Program on the topic of NFPA 921 - Guide For Fire and Explosion Investigations, Dallas, Texas, November, 1992.
National Institute of Standards and Technology's FPETool and Hazard I User's Conference on the subject of Mathematical Computer Fire Modeling, Gaithersburg, Maryland, October, 1992.
Eastern Kentucky University's Fire Investigation Course for Professional Development as a primary instructor, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1993.
Northern Illinois Arson Task Force Training Program on the topic of NFPA 921 - Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, April, 1993.
National Association of Fire Investigators' National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as a primary instructor, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1993.
Conference on Community College Fire Science and Technology Core Curriculum on the topic of NFPA 921 - Guide For Fire and Explosion Investigations, National Fire Protection Association, Palatine, Illinois, September, 1993.
Denver Fire Department Arson Squad's Advanced Arson Investigation Seminar on the topic of Explosion Investigation and Analysis, Denver, Colorado, March, 1994.
Eastern Kentucky University's Fire Investigation Course for Professional Development as a primary instructor, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1994.
National Association of Fire Investigators' National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as a primary instructor, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1994.
Rocky Mountain Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as a primary instructor, Aurora, Colorado, January, 1995.
National Association of Fire Investigators' National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as a primary instructor, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1995.
Washington State Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators' Annual Training Seminar as a primary instructor, Tumwater, Washington, September, 1995.
Colorado Association of Property and Evidence Technicians' Annual Training Seminar on the topic of Fire Investigation and Analysis, Vail, Colorado, September, 1995.
National Fire Protection Association, Fire Science and Technology Educator's Section program on the topic of NFPA 921 - Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations, Chicago, Illinois, November, 1995.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, Toronto, Canada, October, 1995.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as a primary instructor, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1996.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as the chief instructor, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 1997.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators as the chief instructor, Schaumburg, Illinois, July, 1997.
Texas Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Symposium as the chief instructor, Missouri City Fire Department, Texas A & M University, Missouri City, Texas, September, 1997.
Wisconsin Arson Insurance Council on the topic of Mathematical Computer Fire Modeling, New Berlin, Wisconsin, November, 1997 Burlington County, New Jersey Annual Fire Investigation Task Force Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis, heat and flame vector analysis, and origin determination, Mount Holly, New Jersey, January, 1997.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators as the chief instructor, Schaumburg, Illinois, July, 1998.
Crawford Company Special Investigation Unit, Annual National Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis and heat and flame vector analysis, Atlanta, Georgia, August, 1998.
Texas Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Symposium as the chief instructor, Missouri City Fire Department, Texas A & M University, Missouri City, Texas, August, 1998.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as the chief instructor, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, November, 1998.
National Seminar on Fire Analysis Litigation on the topics of fire pattern analysis and mathematical computer fire modeling, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, January, 1999.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of advanced fire pattern analysis and mathematical computer fire modeling, Richmond, Kentucky, April, 1999.
Florida Fire & Explosion Investigation Symposium on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis and origin determination through heat and flame vector analysis, National Association of Fire Investigators, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, July, 1999.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators as the chief instructor, Schaumburg, Illinois, August, 1999.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, November, 1999.
National Seminar on Fire Analysis Litigation, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, January, 2000.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program as the chief instructor, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, November, 2000.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program, National Association of Fire Investigators on the topics of mathematical computer fire modeling and heat and flame vector analysis, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2001.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis, heat and flame vector analysis, origin determination, fire and explosion investigation photography, motor vehicle fires and smoke detectors, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2001.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis and heat and flame vector analysis, Richmond, Kentucky, April, 2002.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of origin determination, heat and flame vector analysis, ignition factor determination and mathematical computer fire modeling, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2002.
National Seminar on Fire Analysis Litigation on the topic of mathematical computer fire modeling, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, January, 2002
Vehicle Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Seminar on the topic of documenting the motor vehicle fire incident and post-collision fuel related fire incidents, National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, September, 2002.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis, heat and flame vector analysis, origin determination, fire and explosion investigation photography, motor vehicle fires and smoke detectors, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2002.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of mathematical computer fire modeling, heat and flame vector analysis, and origin determination, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2003.
Vehicle Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Seminar on the topics of documentation of motor vehicle fires, evaluating the ignition factor (cause) of motor vehicle fires, and post-collision motor vehicle fires, National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, October 2003.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis, heat and flame vector analysis, origin determination, fire and explosion investigation photography, motor vehicle fires, smoke detectors and mathematical computer fire modeling, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2003.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of heat and flame vector analysis, and origin determination, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2004.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis and heat and flame vector analysis, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 2004.
Vehicle Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Seminar on the topics of documentation of motor vehicle fires, evaluating the ignition factor (cause) of motor vehicle fires, and post-collision motor vehicle fires, National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, September 2004.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis, heat and flame vector analysis, origin determination, fire and explosion investigation photography, motor vehicle fires, smoke detectors and mathematical computer fire modeling, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2004.
Eastern Kentucky University's National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis and heat and flame vector analysis, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 2005.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of heat and flame vector analysis, and origin determination, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2005.
Vehicle Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Seminar on the topics of documentation of motor vehicle fires, evaluating the ignition factor (cause) of motor vehicle fires, and post-collision motor vehicle fires, National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, September 2005.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis, heat and flame vector analysis, origin determination, and fire and explosion investigation photography, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2005.
Motor Vehicle Fire Investigation - A Primer, Elgin Regional Fire Academy, Elgin, Illinois, May 2006.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of heat and flame vector analysis, and origin determination, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2006.
Compartment Fire Dynamics and Advanced Fire Pattern Analysis - Origin Determination Utilizing Heat and Flame Vector Analysis, Marengo, Illinois Fire Department, Marengo, Illinois, September, 2006.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis, heat and flame vector analysis, origin determination, and fire and explosion investigation photography, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2006.
Eastern Kentucky University;s National Advanced Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis and heat and flame vector analysis, Richmond, Kentucky, March, 2007.
National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of heat and flame vector analysis, and origin determination, National Association of Fire Investigators, Sarasota, Florida, August, 2007.
Vehicle Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Science and Technology Seminar on the topics of documentation of motor vehicle fires, evaluating the ignition factor (cause) of motor vehicle fires, and post-collision motor vehicle fires, National Association of Fire Investigators, Richmond, Kentucky, September 2007.
Canadian National Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Training Program on the topics of compartment fire development, fire pattern analysis, heat and flame vector analysis, origin determination, and fire and explosion investigation photography, National Association of Fire Investigators, Toronto, Canada, October, 2007.